La Noche Entera
After a very successful comeback with the single release -Vida Positiva- the next Hit is about to launch. In -La Noche Entera- both guys show impressively not only making amount of smashers and clubhits to dance to, but also appearing from their gentle and romantic side. There is a strong Remix Package, something for every taste from Deep House to hip hop and R&B. By the way Pachanga collaborated for the first time with MASSARI on a song. The Canadian himself is a guarantor for a club hit over and over again and together they will bring people to lose their minds dancing to it at clubs, and radios will be in favor of putting it on repeat. It s impossible not to get infected by the -good-feeling- vibe of the song. The guys of Pachanga are impatiently waiting for the release of their long expected album -LA ERA POSITIVA- after this single. Stay tuned!
Milagro Music Entertainment

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